Uau,meu blog é um poço de inutilidades.Eu devia ter muito pra falar aqui.E bem,eu realmente tenho.Mas se querem saber ou não,eu não estou com vontade alguma de escrevê-las.Então,quando eu não tenho nada pra postar,fico postando letras de músicas e grifanfo as partes que mais gosto.Nice,han?
Inútil,eu sei.
Sei lá,essa música me lembra um relacionamento que eu nunca tive e ao mesmo tempo me faz pensar em um que eu tenho,mas não tenho,mesmo que não tenha nada a ver.Eu sei,confuso.
Mas bom,cliquem em pop-out e ouçam essa música na playlist ali do lado,é só procurar (:
So Beautiful
Pete Murray
Found myself just the other day
In the backyard of a friends place,
Thinkin' about you,
Thinkin' of the crowd you're in,
What are you up too, where you've been?(Just thinkin')
And all the clothes that you wear
And the color in your hair
Shouldn't change you
Now you tell me why is it so
You're bigger than mighty Joe
(At least you think so)
God my fingers burn,
Now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don't know,
If I can call you and tell you I care,
And I would love to bring you down
Plant your feet back on the ground
Throw my smoke down on the ground,
Turn my head and I heard the sound,
(That reminded me)
Of the days so young and sweet
Always so much fun to me
(At least I thought so)
Now you think your so damn fine
You can rule the world
Oh,not mine*
I don't think so
God my fingers burn
Now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don't know
If I can call you and tell you I care
Now the scene that you're in
And the people that you've been with
Just get to me,
But you think I'm not as cool
As you are so beautiful
Well, who you fooling?
Well I'm here to tell you babe
The game you're in is just a game
So damn pretentious
God my fingers burn
Now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don't know
If I can call you and tell you I care
And I would love to bring you down,
Plant your feet back on the ground
You think you're so beautiful**
(So beautiful)
*Quer saber?Às vezes eu acho que você manda no meu mundo sim,totalmente.
**E caramba,você é.Você putamente é,que absurdo.
Fisika jawab pertanyaan 3 dan 4
Há um ano
2 comentários:
hm, não sei porquê, mas me senti no seu banheiro com esse fundo fabulouz!
ai meu Deus, platão te regindo né? sei como é, te entendo, te saco, te soco
er eu tbm nunca tenho o que escrever no blog, mas existem momentos raros (thank god haha)
adorei a letra da música *---------*
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